Top 5 Best Android photo editing apps

Anyone can hate it when we take thousands of photos for a perfect one. But it doesn’t come the way we want it. It could be the brightness, colour or saturation that won’t look right. This issues can solve by using photo editing apps. There are numbers of photo editing apps out there. It is difficult for you to choose between them. so, here are the Top Best Android photo editing apps that make you fall in love with your pictures.


The first one on our list is Snapseed. It is one of the most downloaded photo editing apps available for Androids. It is self-explanatory and easy to use, which has led to its high popularity. It has standard editing functions like brightness, crop, and contrast. Snapseed also has amazing features like the brush, ambience, and perspective. And its add free also. This app also has the coolest function like healing. That helps you remove anything you want from a photo. Brush function to target specific areas for certain edits such as temp, dodge and burn. The perspective function can add more space in the photo or elongate certain parts of the photo.

Adobe Lightroom

This a must-have app for everybody who wants to edit photos in a simple but comprehensive way. This app lets you touch up all parameters of a picture. And you can always decide to let the app itself give a special look to your image. You can change each colour in the image. A total of three basic colour features like tone, saturation, and luminance. The Adobe app lets you fiddle with the white balance to get the scene you want. You can do it or let the app decide based on the image elements. A good white balance takes a picture to the next level and you can achieve that in a super simple way with Lightroom. One of the trendiest options is the ability to give a new dimension to the image. The idea behind the app is a solid one, to be able to edit on the move. And yes, you can send your phone images into the app easily.


This app brings your photos to life. It will animate any part of your photo with arrows and anchors. Choose the speed of movement, even completely change a scene with the AI-powered Sky tool. With this app, you can add trendy overlays. This app will mesmerize you by creating moving masterpieces. This app will make you fall in love with mobile photography. Pixaloop combines speed, simplicity and power that makes photo editing easier. If you want to make artistic photos, then this app is just for you.


PicsArt is an all-in-one app. It has impressive photo effects, photo filters, video editor, face editor and lot. Unleash your creativity with this amazing app. It is one of the most popular apps with over 1 billion downloads. Its easier to understand and amazing app. If you are an artist you can make sketches by using drawing tools. It provides a free Image library. It has functions like collage maker, sticker maker and more. The app’s camera will allow you to take photos with live effects.


Pixlr is rich with features. For freelance artists, this is a perfect app. It is free of cost. Pixlr can access by any browser. This app does not take much of space and memory. It is a true lightweight app. It is great when it comes to functionality.
Pixlr is famous for being the lightweight app. It also includes many tools for quick fixes. This is something essential for people on the go. For those who are not well experienced in image editing. This app allows them to manipulate their photos with a professional feel. 

These are surely the best editing apps for android users. These are easy to use free to download. And surely you will love them.

Abhijit Mhasagar

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